White V6\. Project OEM+….................. NOW SOLD>>
Ye i am quite pleased with the stance on the G Max springs. The ride is pretty nice too.
Id like it to be slammo but that would require coilovers and i dont want to shell that much money out!
How much did the springs set you back? I'm tempted to get mine lowered but can't really afford much atm.
Car looks really nice btw!
Cheers man! :D :D :D :D :D
They only cost £40 delivered!
They were on eBay with a poor description and a tatty box but the springs themselves are brand new. Result!
As i saved the cash on the springs i got them fitted by a garage so in total it cost me about £165.
The difference is amazing! I was mainly after the aesthetic improvement but it handles like a dream now too! Well worth it
The MEX is now for sale.
Im far too tempted by my girlfriends offer to lend me the cash for a CRX Del Sol VTi.
Im not really sure what to ask for it yet, i need to do some market research today then ill put a for sale post up.
The MEX is now for sale.
Im far too tempted by my girlfriends offer to lend me the cash for a CRX Del Sol VTi.
Im not really sure what to ask for it yet, i need to do some market research today then ill put a for sale post up.
Mx-3's are so much better, bad move….. :(
Each to their own i guess.
The Mex is an amazing little car but now ive got that bit more cash im eager to climb a rung or 2 up the car ladder!
Give it about 4 or 5 months and the Del Sol will probs be sold in preference to an EG Civic SIr…... Now that's a car that runs rings round both the mex and the Sol!
But would it run rings around a klze mx3?
and your right each to their own didnt mean to diss :shock:
im am very intrested in the white mx3, can you give me a bit more information please and check if its obd1.. three yellow connecters on the ecu behind the center console.. i can pay on the 19th if thats ok
But would it run rings around a klze mx3?
and your right each to their own didnt mean to diss
hmmmm, not sure really. They do handle well and i can imagine with the KLZE they are absolute machines!
ill put proper details up tonight or tomorrow on price ect ect
Del Sol's are nice enough, I was considering one but insurance was crazy money, for a drivers car an earlier box shape CRX is better. All the old CRX owners I know/knew look down on the Del Sols as being too heavy, too much body flex etc. I will admit though the targa/transtop thing is cool as f**k! 8)
Good luck with it if you do get one though, should be nice on the odd day of good weather! :)
EG Civic SIr…... Now that's a car that runs rings round both the mex and the Sol!
I agree an siR will run rings around a del sol… but a klze mx-3 - no way! it runs rings around THEM! :twisted:
Yeh i do think they look nice too, sad to see a member leave though.
Del Sol's are nice enough, I was considering one but insurance was crazy money, for a drivers car an earlier box shape CRX is better. All the old CRX owners I know/knew look down on the Del Sols as being too heavy, too much body flex etc. I will admit though the targa/transtop thing is cool as f**k!
Good luck with it if you do get one though, should be nice on the odd day of good weather!
Ye the targa top is selling it to me quite a bit to be fair! Also the B16a engine is an amazing engine…. Really good specs, fast and economical.
Not sure about the insurance yet, i had the civic VTi when i was 21 so now at nearly 25 im hoping the CRX wont be too much.
To be fair i can honestly say that as a 1.8 the mx just doesnt cut the meat!, it should have atleast had the 323 v6 engine from factory. If i didnt do the ze conversion i can sadly say the mx would have gone by now. A horrible thing to say i know!!.
Still 6 years later im still loving it :D
To be fair i can honestly say that as a 1.8 the mx just doesnt cut the meat!, it should have atleast had the 323 v6 engine from factory. If i didnt do the ze conversion i can sadly say the mx would have gone by now. A horrible thing to say i know!!.
Still 6 years later im still loving it :DGarfy… take yourself outback and give yourself a good slapping...
Ha ha, ill stand in the corner and think about what i just said.
Sorry to say I'll stick with Garfy on this one, KLZE MX3 is just a different animal, please don't slap me!
Sorry to say I'll stick with Garfy on this one, KLZE MX3 is just a different animal, please don't slap me!
The 1.8 has the nice sound but not much to bak it up with. :shock:
Without the 1.8 the 2.5 conversion would be alot harder to do! I would rather have a 1.8 for daily driver, but regardless of engine power you have got to love the MX3 for its looks and handling :D