MDM MX3 3 stage project, neone wana roba bank with me ha ha
marco screw u :P how about u come over england and lets see how ur chipped k8 ecu goes against my kl31 ecu on a millenia intake :P oh yes just remember ive got a bit heavy spoiler on my car also :)
:lol: maybe I will do that and show you that VRIS isn't for decoration :P
Seriously though, I'm shocked you're wasting power not having them timed right!
Tell you what though, probinator maps are toooo rich. I got an AFPR to calm them down a bit. Oh well megaquirt is slowly advancing, and then I can map whatever I want, and no VAF :D
Oh well megaquirt is slowly advancing, and then I can map whatever I want, and no VAF :D
Thats the way forward.
so true megasquirt for life. basically all i did was match the ecu with engine head code. my head said kl31-1a1 so i got the kl31 ecu and beleive me compared to running the stock k8 ecu its not wasting power :) ask the got in wannabe skyline who tried to beat me at the light tonight. pfft he only had the 2ltr straight 6 not even a turbo pfft. i mean wtf was he hoping to accomplish. shame he obviously thought it was just the 1.8 v6 :D when will they learn :)
talking about crowns :) ill take the first 3sgte mx3 in the world crown thank you :)
Well lads its in, not with its bumps, the lads in the garage had a problem or confusion mating up the vacume lines,
is there anything i should let them know, remember i have the curved neck manifold.
Almost there now lads, only 800 to put in engine, new cv's, clutch slave cyclinder, full service, belts the lot.
sounds like u got a bunch of monkeys working on it bud, no offence, should always do abit of research before hand! and get a diagram of engine in case the monkeys get lost swinging tree to tree.
jsut hope they dont fuck it up :)
GL man!
I am sure they will work it out, you be so happy with the power. Its what the MX3 should of had in the first place. :P
congrats morris, well done on it friend!
Well lads its in, not with its bumps, the lads in the garage had a problem or confusion mating up the vacume lines,
is there anything i should let them know, remember i have the curved neck manifold.
Almost there now lads, only 800 to put in engine, new cv's, clutch slave cyclinder, full service, belts the lot.
:lol: If you want a job done right, do it yourself ;)
HE HAS SPOKEN!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
-! lol :lol:
Forgot to say congrats :D We must have a wee race, c'mon up to bishopscourt ;)
@332ef71554=Marco:! lol :lol:
Forgot to say congrats :D We must have a wee race, c'mon up to bishopscourt ;)
i might take you up on that one marco!
woohoo cmon up and lets give the CTRs some comp :D
dont forget i'm only runnin the k8
not to worry, all good fun, you can tell me all about your coilovers ;)
or you can see them for yourself?
that too!
Whats the status MDM?
well now, they put on the correct manifold, everthing in, New CV joint on driver side, new clutch cylinder, battery and exhaust.
And it wont start lol. Oh i swear im glad i got them to quote me before they started.
Its turning over alright but just not starting ne ideas to whats the prob lads????
And Marco check out the JT coils
If ya could give me a word back about starting it up cheers lads
1. What Distributer did you use?
Its best tu use the one that came with the loom, so use your old K8 one and use the same plug lead order as was used on your K82. Has it got spark?
Take a spark plug, keep it attached to the plug lead, put it down on part of the engine it can earth to, then try to start the engine, does the plug spark?3. does it have Fuel?
Take off fuel return hose, then try to start the engine, does petrol come out? and if so is it pumping out well?4. Describe what is happening when you try to start it?
Do the above things and let us know what happens then we can help you.