Hesitation when accelerating
That little pipe runs to the EGR valve IIRC
That little pipe runs to the EGR valve IIRC
Oops Incorrect….
glad I used the IIRC disclaimer then, might be beneficial if you had said what it was for…
glad I used the IIRC disclaimer then, might be beneficial if you had said what it was for…
Well i would have but im on a phone for tinternet lol so currently unable to access me manuals but am egr is ( exhaust gas recycling ) and is cnnected to your rear mamifold for that… as for the item on question which for technical reason we shall call a thinga me bob lmao i shall give you an update as soon as i can cos i do know from experience its has a great effect on the running when faulty or incorrectly plumbed in ..
mine dangling loose as I fitted an induction kit, hasnt given me any problems?
mine dangling loose as I fitted an induction kit, hasnt given me any problems?
thats ok jesta but try disconnecting it or changing the popes around and then see how it runs itll be a dog…oh still aint had a chance to look it up lmao wot am i like... that aint a retorical question hahaha
thats ok jesta but try disconnecting it or changing the popes around and then see how it runs itll be a dog…oh still aint had a chance to look it up lmao wot am i like... that aint a retorical question hahaha
if I start changing popes around people will get upset
mine dangling loose as I fitted an induction kit, hasnt given me any problems?
It will do.
ok then the part in question is a PRC (Pressure Relief Control) it sits between the airbox and fpr ( fuel pressure reg) And links to the ecu with data for intake vac pressure …when fitted incorrectly the ecu wll recoeve incorrect data on pressire inc fpr so a need to connect to the intake even woth an aftermarket induction kit is important..
like i said previously just try swaping the pipes and ypull see it caises it to run like a dog incorrect fitting or a faulty unit will send for data to the eci effecting ot values.....Hope that helps clear that up lol....
PS.. Sorry for the spelling im doing this via a mobile phone lol…
Hmmm, how can I connect it upto my induction kit? What if I spliced it into the crankcase breather hose?
Hmmm, how can I connect it upto my induction kit? What if I spliced it into the crankcase breather hose?
What you would need is a T-pipe on the main breather pipe to attach it to.