Jays work log (1.6 and 1.8 v6)

  • @19715e5535=nightstalker:

    Looks beautiful Jay, I think you should do the bonnet black ,to compliment the wheels too.

    What Filter/ induction kit is on it?

    its a k&n aifilter and the pipes came separate that i put together at jap fest if you are interested in one i will put together a list what you need.

  • @2548d97cf9=jay:


    Looks beautiful Jay, I think you should do the bonnet black ,to compliment the wheels too.

    What Filter/ induction kit is on it?

    its a k&n aifilter and got the pipes came separate that i put together at jap fest if you are interested in one i will put together a list what you need.

    Deffo mate, looks good, I was thinking of making my own also. Where have you situated the little air flow meter pipe that would go into the standard airbox? I've had mine fall off a few times and the car doesn't like it.

  • ill do a how to guide on my setup

  • dont worry the cable ties was a tempary lol

    recived some wind deflectors on friday and fitted some new wheel nuts what you all think?

  • Cable ties FTW! lol. Wheel nuts from six1two by any chance?

    Looks good matey, need to get my filter sorted now :D

  • @246401488e=nightstalker:

    Cable ties FTW! lol. Wheel nuts from six1two by any chance?

    Looks good matey, need to get my filter sorted now :D

    got the wheel nuts from a stand at jap fest not sur how it was too dusy running like a had hatter lol

  • @5d1448b2a8=jay:


    Cable ties FTW! lol. Wheel nuts from six1two by any chance?

    Looks good matey, need to get my filter sorted now :D

    got the wheel nuts from a stand at jap fest not sur how it was too dusy running like a had hatter lol

    look the same as mine (but red). I got em from ebay for about 25 notes.

  • @e09720585c=nightstalker:



    Cable ties FTW! lol. Wheel nuts from six1two by any chance?

    Looks good matey, need to get my filter sorted now :D

    got the wheel nuts from a stand at jap fest not sur how it was too dusy running like a had hatter lol

    look the same as mine (but red). I got em from ebay for about 25 notes.

    not bad price i got mine for 20

  • just a quick update on what ive been up to
    got a new monster energy sticker thanks djmarco
    dont panic i put the sticker when the bonnet was clean lol

    then i put on my new bonet catches on today these were a pain to fit but im happy with them

    just need to to the other side now not looking foward to it but got to do it

  • hi mate, its all lookin sweet, as a cosmetic tweek i was thinking of putting pins in the bonnet is it hard to do or just a pain?

    did you paint that rocker cover yourself and from the pipe conected to the rocker to the splendid looking air pipe you got there could you use a breather filter?

  • @e8133a18ad=jamesshack:

    hi mate, its all lookin sweet, as a cosmetic tweek i was thinking of putting pins in the bonnet is it hard to do or just a pain?

    did you paint that rocker cover yourself and from the pipe conected to the rocker to the splendid looking air pipe you got there could you use a breather filter?

    yes i did the rock it took a while but im happy with it as for the breather pipe i drilled a smaller hole and push joiner bit in whith it being a tight fit it will be air tight

    the bonnet clips are quite east to to its just a pain to get it lined up because the is no ajustment on the an you only get 1 chance to do it so

  • fitted my 3" exhaust this evenint on litte red it sounds soooo nice post pics after the weekend and after its been thrashed down the quater mile for a day he he cant wait :D :D 8)

  • @d7127eb979=jay:

    fitted my 3" exhaust this evenint on litte red it sounds soooo nice post pics after the weekend and after its been thrashed down the quater mile for a day he he cant wait :D :D 8)

    The 3" sounds so much nicer than the 4", it properly roars on the V6

  • when to jap show at santa pod at the weekend i even beat my pesonal bests too got a 19.7secs

    i couldnt resist on buy this show number plate

  • just a quick update

  • went to a new show at the weekend it was held at blyton driving centre which is a small circuit in linconshire
    the show was called mazfest
    was a brilliant day went round the track for 25mins brillint fun first time on a track and was a bit nervas but enjoyed it.lol

    heres a video of the fist few laps i was quicker towards the end and was keepin up with the mx5s and had great fun on the hairpins going sidewasy
    anyway heres the vid sorry about video quality it was realy wind and mum had the camera he he

    (click pic to play video)

    pics will follow soon

  • got a new rear bumper 2day not sure about it yet

    what do you think.
    keep on or stick with the original??

  • Definitely stick with the original. I don't think that one suits the car at all.

  • I quite like it especially as all the stickers are off it, its quite chunky think the skirts need to go on to finish it

  • I like it,


    it's designed for the whole body kit so it looks a little chunky at the moment.


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