Jamesmx3 cheapest ever mod - Rocker cover polishing.
it may be possible for you to paint it red and mask everything off in the engine bay. put news paper around the bottom of the cover. along witht he tape aroung the edge. roll news paper up also to block the plug holes up. (mate manage to do this) but be really carefull.
more trouble than it's worth! Just buy another gasket and take it off. It's seriously not hard at all.
-Take the HT leads off the plugs (write on top their # if you want, but the length usually makes it obvious where they go)
-Loosen the 2 timing belt cover bolts at the top
-Take off the bolts holding cover on
-Unplug the 2 vacuum hoses
-Take off and clean/spray/shine ( put bonnet down whilst you're doing that )
-Put new gasket on- Torque bolts back on (think its around 20ftlbs, check the manual - its really not very tight at all)
-Put timing belt bolts on and vacuum hoses & leads
-Think wow that was easy, I think I'll do a klze swap now :D
- Torque bolts back on (think its around 20ftlbs, check the manual - its really not very tight at all)
with the toqure. there may be a sticker on your bonnet. to tell you order to tighten and the torque. mine has.
with the toqure. there may be a sticker on your bonnet. to tell you order to tighten and the torque. mine has.
yea?! Neither of mine do, I want a sticker :x