Supercharged 2.3 miller cycle engine out of xedos 9
anyone know anything about these engines
been looking at it for ages but only saw one xedos 9 with it in
found one on ebay looking cheap
and im actually serious now|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
linky if you dont have a clue what im on about
I have a couple of customers with these in there xedos.
I read somewere that they dont fit in an MX3 because the blocks are at a greater angle to fit the charger between them.
Please prove me wrong would love to see one done. 8)
Mechanics right, it won't fit :( the V is 60 degress or something more than the KLs. Maybe with some serious hacking apart… may as well do a 13b or something then!
Just get a turbo kit for your KL :D
i had a quick check of this one as well, apparently one guy in the states got as far as matching up the K8 gearbox but thats it. plain and simple wouldnt fit unless you bet the crap out of the chassis!
would be amazing though!
you'd be better off building your car like welly's if you are going to make a frankenstein motor in there :)
we had to roll the chassis out, only got 1/2 inch gap on the engine thats the biggest gap, gear box and chassis, there is about a 3mm gap.
muahahah Boooooooooosted!