Marco's Black Beast aka 'Sooty'
Took it out for a few laps of the block last night, the pull is awesome, you're going to love it! At the minute it's got no rear bumper, headlights, tax or insurance atm so just a few first gear wind ups around the block.. This engine just feels so right, it's what the mx3 should have had in the first place!
It's an SA80 (british army style), it's to protect my cars :lol:
Well i have not been to busy at work, and was inspired by your brave colour scheme. So my inlet was black, then metalic blue now bright yellow :lol:
I have lost the plot…. think i am going paint it black again. lol ... :lol:
she looks unreal, i knew it would be special, but holy god it's unreal.
Defo in top mx on the forum, if not the best!
I have lost the plot…. think i am going paint it black again. lol ... :lol:
dipping it in the paint might have helped cover iy better. looks like you got it everywhere. lol :oops:
wow marco this is an excellent worklog! :o
wow mechanic that's nuts! How about black intake, and paint the accents like fuel rails yellow? Best take them out and mask the injectors for that. Thanks for the feedback guys :) Got FA done this weekend, was in bed all bloody weekend with a fever then come monday morning/work im fine :x
I did install my guage rings though, they are classy :) pics to follow
One of the most interesting threads here… :) I really like your "super style" spoiler. Shall u keep it or is it for sale?
Nice engine detail 8)
You must be proud indeed. :)
welcome to the world of klze now get it road legal and start making hondas cry its hours of fun :D
lol cannot wait to get it on the road! Something to look forward to after the holiday :)
Yea Greg keeping the spoiler, planning to transfer to the black car, sorry :P
And steven, I'm damn proud, well more relieved it works!
cant wait to see pics of the supra soiler on it then ity will probs make my mind up what spoiler to get or whether to not get one at all! looks smart on utr red one :D
here's some pics I forgot about! Nothing majorly exciting :lol:
Damaged valve, boohoo, with nice new one in background:
Halfway through removing cast lines and knife edging intake for optimum airflow:
On the way to a light polish, tedious work doing 12 ports. Only exhaust was polished this helps get air out faster with less turbulence, polishing intake would of course detract from the desired swirling of fuel/air mix.
All done :)
Do you know the website where you got your rocker cover paint?
i wanna pimp my bay!!
Cool mod.. Get some turbo's!
well my stupid ABS light means that my car isn't road legal SO…
I spent ages trying to find a guide to pull ABS code which I have now posted in the brakes forum. My codes were clear as mud really, but seemed kind of like a messed up sequence spelling out 53 - ABS motor, motor relay. I knew my relay was good as I swapped it from my red car which works, and still ABS light.
So today I finally pinned it down to the worst part of all- the ABS motor :( I got stuck straight in and got the bandit out, it was MESSY!
This is how I capped the lines, but make no mistake it will need a full bleed - 4 brakes and clutch :(
The offender!:
Rusted POS :evil: :evil: :evil: Now I play the waiting game… trying to get a second hand one of german ebay, seems the best place to get them!
After this is fixed it will be time to hit the roads wooooooo :D
So last thing to fix before she's roadworthy = ABS.
Installed it after work in an hours :D And BAM no more ghey light. Round the block and still no light, time to tax and insure this beast! No wait a minute….
Well my dad kindly reminded me that one of my cam sprockets was running wonky, which is visable as I removed the circular rubbers from the covers. SO I tore the engine apart, this thing hasn't even made it out of my street yet!
Turns out my 'key' had ovaled the hole in the cam AND made a hairline crack! So the poor old K8 was further robbed of another sprocket and bolt. Thankfully just a few weeks before I pointlessly bidded on some kl31 cams, with no real intention of ever bothering to swap them with my installed kl01s... a sign??!!
Cam Party! ( and crackhead kl01s aren't invited :evil: )
'DIY Rebalanced' kl31 cams :lol: so far so good! I mean c'mon with all those caps, I don't think I'm going to have a gram of trouble ;)
All in, no more kl01s :o
First time it started :D Getting good at this…I hope.
Hopefully I'm due some carefree running now, REALLY wasn't wanting to be tearing it all apart so soon! On the upside I'm running the faster cams :)
good news marco, i was following it on the "other site".
well done, glad to hear she'll be eating Vtecs for breakfast
thanks mate! Still feel like something might go wrong, it's made me paranoid!
On other news some wee scrote trashed my red cars wing mirror :evil: I hope they get hit by a car, and not mine, 'cause they've done enough damage to mine.
i bumped my front bumper the other day so ill gladly knock them down! dunno how welcome the southern reg would be though :wink:
any fresh arty pics?
cleanest klze engine bay ive seen, and i love the purply rocker cover :D
good work!