[HELP] – electrical --
Hello gang
I would like to make this into a DIY, because it's time i learn something about my car.
Allright, i have a "race mode" button i bought a year ago from a UK EbayShop … it's allready in the car, but not connected.
I would like to try it out, just for laugh, even do it does nothing to the car.
The button has this look :
The thing has a wire for the light, in order to light up when it's turned on
and then another wire to connect to the air temperature sensor that tells the ECU how much air it is having.
OK, as u can see, the button is in place, but both wires are disconnected.
Can anyone make me a tutorial, and please tell me everything, since it's my first try at this :I figured out that the wire will go to the VAF and connect to the small black connector that plugs into the VAF … but which wire ?
my car has these ( from left to right )
a red wire , a green and red wire , a black and green wire , a black and blue wire , a red and black wire ........... so ?
It must plug into this , right ?
and the light , where do i plug it ?
thanks in advance
come on you guys … i just cant believe no one can help me here :(
can you put up the wiring diagram that came with the switch?
no sorry mate, i can't help at all, all i can think is wires connect to the AFM to fool the ECU into thinking theres colder air going in, and wires go to the LED power switch, the only way forward is to experiment, finding out what wires light the LED up will be a start
OutlaW666 any way ya could put up whatever wiring diagram ya got with it!
i will try to find that paper that came with it … it shows a universal connection, but i hope it helps.
I really really want to connect it , since i am going to get my TB bored and place a good CAI.A good CAI, bored TB, K1 10mm sparkwire's, Denso Iridium sparks, and that resistor trick on the MAF-ECU connection should raise my bhp at least by one :D