Thanks Rob.
want some new in car entertainment so I went from this
to this rob for doing the install , the new speakers are great, the dvd player plays everything in dolby surround and the media player has 100's of hours of stuff on it to enjoy.
( sorry for the link, havent figured out posting images yet.
dam that install looks crazy! nice job.
to post imgs i used, and then post the tags that have 
dam i want a install like that lol
I tried pasting the image location with the 
that wouldnt happen to be rob in halfrauds would it?
Glad ya like it dan and ya should deffo bring that screen back!!!
changed the screen over, the new one almost broke the same way. I'm going to have to cut into the dash a little bit , as the motor for the screen is wearing itself out trying to open all the way against the top of the dash. if I shave a bit of plastic of it should be grand 1 or 2 mm should do it.
@ Stephen-mx3 , I dont think he lives in halfrauds, but I'm sure he spends alot of time there :lol: