i was just in work dealing with a customer when i heard my car start up, i looked out te shop door and seen it pulling out so i excused my self from the customer and bolted after him as he was driving away, he got caught in traffic on the roundabout when he saw me and security chasing after him, he started forcing his way through the traffic smashing into cars. he minced a 07 and 08 focus then mounted a traffic island which blew out the driver front and rear tire, he then spun out and stuck the front into the kerb, he got out and made a run for it to get put through a wooden fence by a passer by. My car is a total write off. god help his soul when i find him
damn mate just what you don't need.
did the insurance assessor say its a right off?
buy it off them and fix it back up.
not good thats why i have a cobra
dear god! That's insane. I really hope he gets found then tarred and feathered. What a waste…
Thats what was in it! he had a poxy fob!!! i'm just sittin in my kitchen with a bottle of koskenkorva vodka drownin my sorows
how bad is the damage to it?
it looks like it can be fixed up agen
the wheels are facing each other :cry: 2 door 2 wings 2 indicators 2 tires bumper bonnet
that's not so bad.
theres a nice gent on here who might be able to help with some parts I'm sure.
it looks like it can be fixed up agen
for real? :shock: Looks like it would cost more to fix than buy another one. I'd imagine the unibody is a tad outta shape too!
IMO alarms are next to useless - steering locks hold up a thief longer. Dozens of cars were stolen near me over xmas, skylines, celicas, mr2s, ftos all with alarms including top quality ones.
Get your insurance buy another one :) But damn- feeling your pain!
hey rob. i recognise the area. little pikey. i must pop over to ya one of these days. insurance goona pay up in full?
Just by kfc in the center and no idea who's getting stung for this thank god i'm full comp wit protected no claims
good job your covered just a shame it doesn't take the pain away but it helps a bit.
ah looks a bit worse on that side
well you got to get another mx3
start a fresh one new canvis
i'm just trying to get in touch with maxed mirage to get his one!
i was thinking about trying to get it i want mine sprayed that collour
if it was beter than mine i would have switched all the best bits in to one of them
so i would have a nice amount of spares lol
He's closer to me !!!! back off!!!!! backs off i tells ya :shock: :twisted:
yeh spose i should lets yous haves it