Immobiliser Delete

  • Hi, I wonder if there is anybody even here anymore....

    I lost the keys to my 1998 1.8 v6 with ecu K862 (K86118881B) and an auto locksmith attempted to code me a new one and seems to have ruined my immobiliser in the process (immo light on dash now stays on solid and won't go out) and he could not detect a signal from the antenna ring around the ignition barrel anymore. I am trying to find a service that can override the immobiliser and would be delighted if somebody could point me in the right direction.

    I also have another car of the same year that I drove into a lake (they don't float btw) and fried the ecu in the process. I have bought a used ECU to replace it but obviously it needs all the mating and coding and probably a new immobiliser box as well, all that jazz, but I could only find an ECU with no accompanying box or key etc, so I would also like the immo bypassed on that.

    Thanks anyone that can help.


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