Hi I have just bought a mx3 and wondered why it says touch on the inside of the doors also I havbe what looks like two small switches just to the right of the steering wheel neer the ignition. I havn't touched the switch incase it has anything to do with the alarm
post pics of the switches and touch is the name mazda gave the interior design
I thought they were static paths to stop you getting a shock after being nicely charged up from it's soft cloth interior.
Thanks for that, everyone who gets in the car touches the thing that says touch on it. and I will try to post a pic of the switches
thanks again
post pics of the switches and touch is the name mazda gave the interior design
Really!? thats seems a bit odd to me, I would agree with
@9ca021bcec:To ground yourself while getting out of the car, its so you don't get shocked from touching the door while getting out.
it is a static strap that grounds to the door so you don't get zapped. The switches are for something aftermarket.