Steam cleaning engine bay?!
bit dubious of asking the bus
garage next door to work to do mine..electrics and stuff! anyone used one of them
20 quid ebay small portable long nozzled steam cleaners
arond engines?
I used Autoglym engine degreaser cleaner on my engine bay and then pressure washered it top to bottom a few weekends ago, I covered the air filter with cling film and went to town on it, afterwards I checked that no water had managed to get in the spark plug holes, then left it with the bonnet open for a few hours cos it was a sunny day, started it up later in the evening with no problems.
I've got a Karcher steam cleaner that I have used on my engine bay before. It is important to bag all the electrical goodies if you are going to go in deep.
As for using a pressure washer, there is always a risk you will be doing unseen damage with one of those, the high flow of the water will get into places that you wouldn't think (ie: the rocker cover).
I'd go with a good degreasing and a bit of elbow grease followed by a quick blast with a steam cleaner then a wipe over with a cloth to remove any excess grime (repeat until you're happy). 8)
Another tip is to leave the car running while you do it, and make sure its hot when you start, if anything does go wrong with water getting where it shouldnt then the heat of the engine will help make the water evaporate a lot quicker and if it does get in, the car will stall or splutter and then you know what area the water is in to dry it out
Another tip is to leave the car running while you do it, and make sure its hot when you start, if anything does go wrong with water getting where it shouldnt then the heat of the engine will help make the water evaporate a lot quicker and if it does get in, the car will stall or splutter and then you know what area the water is in to dry it out
A top tip that is!
Dont have a pressure washer anyways,
had heard that leaving the engine running
was a bad idea due to the possibiltys of hydrolocking it!?Think I'll bag that ebay jobbie and give it a blast :)
want a real clean platform to perform turbo goodness on 8)