VAF Cleaning
I've got a feeling my VAF is sticking…
How would I go about cleaning it and what should I use?
Any ideas anybody?
Hello nexussteve,
I haven't gone through this process myself before, but I thought I would ask for a little more information.
Is there residue buildup inside the VAF, or do you believe it's more of a dust problem? I would be hesitant to put liquids through the VAF without knowing more about how the plunger works. My main suggestion would be to use an air compressor, or a can of compressed air(The same kind used to blow out a computer would work)
If that doesn't clean it out too well, you should look up general information about VAFs; Just to learn from other people's mistakes and experiences!
Good luck, and please post your results here! I'd be interested in this as well! ;)
Thanks for the reply Bane!
I didn't think of compressed air! Might have to try that.
It just feels a little sticky, but it could be another problem!
I'll look into it!
carb cleaner ??