HOW TO - Convert your front indicators from orange to clear
here is a quick how guide on how to change the front indicators to clear
1. take out your indicator/side light by there 1 screw ad unplug the lights
2. warm the glue around the edge of the lens and the unclip the lens (this bit is a bit tricky so take your time)
3. take out the orange plastic from inside and give the lens a good clean if needed
4. refasten and reseal the lens back on
5. change the original bulb with a mirrored indicator bulb and plug back in
6. refit the lens back in
and hey presto clear indicators for the cost of two bulbshope this helps and happy modding
I brought new lenses only, brought them from ebay years ago and commonly sold in the u.s for them to convert their orange lenses to clear.
Did have a mazda part on packaging so you probably could get new lenses from mazda.
My existing ones were very cloudy and starting to turn yellow. :(compares old and new lenses.
good how to jay. keep up good work!