looks good thanks for posting 8)
mmm, bumped up version of tights round the lights?
how are your tail lights tinted? I tried to use standard tint but the contour of the lenses and the raised lettering proved more of a headache than I want to deal with right now. thanks
i sanded mine down with fine paper, degreased and then added 10 lite layers of tint or you could do 2 or 3 thick coates
Do you have a close up of how your headlights look please marco?
I've always liked the look of your headlights so I went and bought some of the darker stuff as soon as you posted this thread :D
hope you don't mind me flat out copying your awesome lights :D lol
Copy away, I did all my lights with one sheet, just start on the big first also then stick in some xenon bulbs coz it does make them a bit dimmer with standards in
And a couple of close ups :)
nice m8, didi you do the side reapeters aswell???
and i want that bonnet…..please send details
nice looking car mukka
Hiya, 1 sheet did all lights and I had enough left just to do the fog lights too but did not bother in the end.
The bonnet is a single sheet of carbon fibre vinyl, cost £45 from germany it is the only place that does it in large enough sheets to do in one hit, took 3 hours to fit because all the lacquer peeled off last summer so used the vinyl to cover it.
do you have a link to this website for the bonnet stuff, and also could you send me a high resolution pic of it close up, would be much appreciated
cheers m8