Oil Catch Tank-installed

  • @affe61452f=Lequetis:

    nice mod mate, this might sound a noob question to ask, but wot exsactly is it for, obv it to catch oil from somewhere but where…...

    The moist oily air is fed into either the intake system or direct into the lower plenum, and burnt from the PCV valve on the rocker cover.
    Oily fumes are a result of our oil being sloshed around and pounded, plus any blow by gasses getting past piston rings and presurizing the crankcase.

    The oily mist will dilute the petrol's anti knock properties, reducing its ability to reduce detenation.

    A catch can will help reduce the amount of oil entering the combustion chambers.It will settle at the bottom of the tank as the oily gas cools and condenses into whatever medium you decide to put in your can (I use sponge/foam though some people use kettle de-scalers,make sure you use stainless steel pads other wise it will corrode and go into your inlet system-not good!). Any less oily gas will pass through the system as normal and into your inlet manifold.

  • excellent reply mate, i never knew they done that much….. look cool and useful, i think i could see me getting one soon :) thanks for your reply and the detailed explanation :)

  • @dd327178d2=Lequetis:

    excellent reply mate, i never knew they done that much….. look cool and useful, i think i could see me getting one soon :) thanks for your reply and the detailed explanation :)

    Thats the most simple explanation I could think of :wink:

  • am i right in thinking that one pipe is connected to the breather on the rocker cover and the other to the air in take pipe??

  • i want to put one on my 1.6 really for asthetics but it might help it stay clean inside. i was wondering wether it should be cut into the blue hose or the black one at the other end of the rocker cover or both.

    to moderators: i know this is the V6 forum but its a similar'ish topic, move it if you feel the need!!

  • i would of thought the black one on the head. as i'm sure (correct if wrong) that the blue one is for air in to the system as its from your air filter.

  • cheers, i thought it might have been that one from what i read on mx3.com, but wanted to check.

    i'm not sure wether the blue is 'air into the head' or 'air out'. also where in the 'lower plenum'?

  • now im lost. best as RS with the gold mx. as that a 1.6

  • deffinatly the black pipe mate!

  • thanks mate, i'll have to get one now and some more silicone hose!

  • just make sure that there arnt any air leaks in it as your will run like a bag of crap!lol

  • ok bought one off ebay yesterday, about £40 posted!

  • nice one, you will have to put some pics on when you have fitted it

  • will do but i'll put them on to my project thread and in the 4 cylinder forum too keep everybody happy! also got that polishing kit so i'll get the IM poished up good when i fit the catch tank!

  • started polishing mine, but got fed up afta a while, will start again when weather is better

  • started mine the other week. omg its hard. but found something thats good. alloy wheel cleaner and one of thoes small sanders. also going shopping for a dremal tomorrow 100piece kit with it. 50 notes.

  • Your best bet for mirror finish polishing is a bench grinder with polishing mops and polishing compounds, its all about the rpm of what your using to polish with.

    You could use a drill in a vice, but it needs to be a high rpm drill really.

    If you go to a professional polisher who runs his own one man business,
    expect to pay around £35-£40 to get a rocker cover polished and around £60-£75 to get the intake manifold done.


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