Induction Kit Setup
One last thing, DONT USE A EBAY FILTER ON YOUR MX3 (the ones that come with kits with the open ends).
Go for K&n or HKS, you can pick these up on ebay.
why is that?
**It is because they have an open end design and it simply does not filter very good at all. Look at K&N designs they have closed ends.
Oh, when you buy a new filter don't forget to oil it. (some people don't realise you have to do this)**
The USA modders use this integra kit and adapt it, as shown in the above engine bay pics.
Link to USA Fitting guide:
I'm not sure about these later 94 integra pipes from the uk.
It looks like you could cut the shapes required from these pieces, but I,m not sure what the diameter is yet.
But they would not be so easy to use as the ones from the use pictured above.
Hi, im about to buy this one, is it the right one to go for :)
The yellow marks where the Probestore one goes down.
From looking at what the USA guys do they dont seem to like putting it down near the splash guard because it is still near the hot engine, more prone to sucking up dirt and on a wet day possibly even water.
Also alot of the MX-3's don't even have the splash guard there anymore (you can look straight down the front of the engine and see the floor) if this is the case then I would look into putting it where they put it in USA.
They move the resevoir and put it down behind where the light is.
As shown in the Corksport pics the more extreme guys cut a section out to let even more air through.
Some take it even further and put a funnel from somewhere on the front bumper towards the hole they just cut out, to ram air towards the filter.
Obviously this depends on what bumper you have on your car as to whether that is possible. (its not really possible with the stock bumper, unless you took a fog light out….. LOL)There is also a heat shield included in the 1.6 kit that is making them think that they should use a heat shield to block off the top of the compartment behind the light to stop heated air from the engine getting down there aswell.
Finally they utilise the existing air funnels ( like the one at the front of the engine bay, where the bonnet holder clips on ) and direct them to the filter aswell.
on the probe store place, wats the differance with the mx 6 one?
What do you mean?
whats the difference between the one they do for the MX-3 and the one they do for the MX-6?
they look identical however the mx 6 one is cheaper and looks better, is the silicone reducer a differant size for the throttle body?
No they are completely different, you have to put the filter in a different place on our cars.
Read this thread from the start it explains it all.
yeah just sort of realised that after i sent last post and felt like complete gimp!llol
More pics for ya.
Found this guy who used to sell kits on ebay, but if you look at then they are clearly the integra kit which has been modified.
cheers mate!
food for thought!
The integra induction kit is around £37 inc delivery from Canada, I'm getting one soon, well end of May.
But always beware when buying from Canada as you can get a customs charge when it lands in the UK.
As pointed out in earlier posts, it does need cutting to make it work, and you do need to buy a better filter really.
should this not be in the general section as it can work bot on the 4cyl and 6 cyl
To be honest I dont know much about the 1.6, is the throttle body in a similar position and diameter? I didn't think it was for some reason….
You can buy a pre built Induction Kit for the 1.6 already:
it dose but wither way its about something that fits both models! only reason i looked at it was cos i was on the V6 section helping someone
thats good, if it fits then im guna buy one and then get a better filter for it.