Anywhere in the world do poly bushes for the mx3??
is there anywhere in the uk that does poly bushes for the mx3? i would love to tighten everything up ad replace everything with poly bushes but im having a hard time finding them
I was searching out poly bushes for my fc and one idea was if your able to be without the car then you can measure up the sizes you need. You can then inquire if they already make a bush of the same size.
I assume you have already tried the usual suspects : Powerflex, Superflex etc?
No mate unfortunately. Theres a few upgraded bushs on probe store of you have a look.
I rekon genuine or good quality bushes would do as good a job and be an improvement over ones that have covered high mileage.
do any of the mazda 323 suspension components fit? there seems to be a bit more support and some of the rear axle looks similar to the mx3 if the diagrams i found on google are correct
A lot o the running gear is the same with the 323 im pretty sure all the suspension is the same so other parts will probably match too
I think I'llhave to do some more research as there seems to be a lot of poly bushes available for 323 …..and other suspension mods....Thiscould help all of us a lot Iif interested in improving handling
FordProbeStore list some.
Our cars share a number of parts with the Ford Escort.
These fit just fine.