Sam's Proper MX-3 - LT Turbo project *Parting out*
With the seatbelts, don't take the bloody plastic cover off.. Stupid thing unpacks and flys.. and I mean.. fly's.
Still not found my passenger side coil. :(
Cheers for that, NOW ya tell me! NO lori, Ive been there already (see above post), although I knew what lurked underneath so was ready for it :shock:
Strange thing is, fronts and rears have the same 'potential eye removing' clockspring in em, but on the rears the spring cover is held on with puny plastic rivets and the fronts are screwed on?? :shock:
Both front and rear have written on them: "DO NOT REMOVE COVER" so anyone else contemplating a sneek peek? its written for vvvvery good reason!Lori Im simply going to drill a small 1/8th hole in centre and dribble some light lube in! Thanks again for warning fella :) kev b.
Cheers for all the tips on the paint Guys and compliments Josh! I will always push that little harder on what I do with this project as it's a great way to learn new skills.
(rather then just paying people lots of money to do the hard & dirty work!) I have just spent most of the day clearing my Mum's garage of all my late Fathers woodworking kit so I now have somewhere to spray these wheels. Will be taking the wheels back into work on Monday to start forming and polishing the dishes.Think your right about the black primer Mexy, will try a few test patches with
some primer I have lying around, but hopefully the paint is thick enough with enough flake pigments not to need it.Good 'ol lathes just keep trundlin on don't they, we have some arkaic spinning lathes big enough to spin a 1.2m square 2mm alu sheet (Now that is fukin sketchy standing next to that as it fires upto 500rpm (sounds like a london underground train coming into the station) but that lathe is really rare and virtually irreplaceable so we treat it like one of the
:bigok: I can see those wheels already Mr fox theyll make us WET!!!! Ill bet? :rofl:
Just for you Foxy to wet your appetite! These are MIIIIINE! :P These are rears, 15"x 11 " with 345 rubber!!!!!!!
:bowdown: 15 x 11 just made me do a little sex wee! Thanks for sharing man they are still looking pretty fab for age and 345 is just a bit likey
Would 4 x 98 not fit 4 x 100 with wobble bolts, you could go full Carlos Fandango mode on your mexy???!! :DIf I could afford real split rims (one day please God!!) I would be putting 10J's on the rear of my car hahaha.
Aye cannot wait to be rolling on Gold 8) I will be running 215/40 tires, Just waiting on some nice Goodyear Eagle F1's or similar to come up in that size which is factory fit option on the Rover MGF's so virtually new pairs come up quite often. :D
:rofl: Tissues for the Fox! tissues! I built them up in 95 ( seated tyres myself! never again!!!) and the trend for the seventies look restricted my tyre choice a wee bit to Pirelli's only, 3 yrs later YOKOHAMA released a 315 for Lambos and Porches, theyd have been spot on for the rims as the trend started to go for the 'stretched wall' look, the rims are actually flush with the Grp4 arches but the PIRELLI's are quite rounded in profile so 'balloon' out from bodywork somewhat? :oops:
Splits 'in them dayz' were quite reasonable??? for the rears I paid £173 each and £171 for tyres, the fronts were half that from 'Image Wheels' Think they're still about?
Yes they prob would with wobblers? but not sure about center bore of each tho?
If I get some 'play time' this summer, just for a BIG grin I might put them on the mexy (static only! certainly NO driving about) and take a snap for Carlos Fandango's scrap book? :rofl:You get a bloody mask on anorl when ya spraying! :shock: Its suprising how quickly the fumes get to ya even when you use the 'HOLD YA BREATH' method? I once did some touch ups with 'iso 2 pack poison' with only a paper dust mask over my chops, an hour later after cleaning up decide to make my self a well earned cuppa….. with 'salad cream' instead of milk!!!!! :o
probably explains my current state of mind and "where the hell have I put that" memory? kev b.
Haha tissues dispensed.. and I'm spent…Absolutelty love the look of them with Grp4 arches.
Image rims are indeed still going and I have priced up already for 2 rims @ 16x9 and 2 @ 16x10 it's around the £1200 mark..might ave to start playing the lottey agiain.... or murder the wife hahaha
Oh doh didn't think about centre bore, would be brilliant to see a static shot one day though :D
Thanx for the H&S tip man I usually skip the mask, but will invest in something this time as I don't want to end up with salad creamy tea or a catfood sandwhich!! also could pretend I was an old hand at painting or Darth vader!!??
Dirty boy! :( The Grp4 arches are cavernous, these are the later type used on the San Remo and Kenyan rally's I actually prefer the early squarer version, but again at the time of build they were only available as a 'rivet on' moulding and I didnt fancy the 'agricultural' look! :( They now produce the whole rear section as a choice with either shaped arch moulded in. ( £1700 a pop for glassfibre, and kevlar if you remortgage your home! :shock: )
£1200, think thats relative to inflation etc and deemed not bad??? For ME to consider that for my mexy of £550 purchase price, it would be a 'sleep disturber' to throw £1200 quid at her? and thats being no way disrespectfull to you or your P+J or how you consider its material value :) If it floats your boat?….... sail away into the sun and dont look back :P
Mmmm the odds of winning the lottery are quite high!!!! Your 2nd option although it has criminal implications, could initially release the needed financial funds?...^ IM JOKING ADMIN! if yr monitoring posts?
Yes, PLEASE wear a mask, its not worth the risk, an unconscious fall with head impact would spoil your weekend and make your wife a rich woman :x
Better stay on topic, or ADMIN will be feelin my collar for waffling?
Dont forget those pics :P kev b.
Hahha nah don't worry about waffling it's good to chat about like minded stuff on here now & again. Got any pictures of the car out of the Garage? Would love to see
I think so far I have spent about £3.5K so far on this build!! So whats another K between friends eh??!!. Its funny because when I bought this car I was saying I wasn't going to modify Her (oh how that changed)….By the time I have finished it will probably be around the 5K mark which in my eyes is still a 'budget' build considering some folks drop atleast 20k on just a race engine??!!
Lucky my Wife is super understanding to the 'cause' plus I bought Her diamonds this years so that will keep Her understanding for a little bit longer (I hope)
Here is where I work and some of wheel projects we have completed before
Huh Ho thats magic :bowdown: theyre gunna be stunning :P
Ok fella Ill locate the digital file of my favourite pic of 'Lolly' and post it for ya.
Shes not been out of garage for two years as Ive had neither the time nor money to get inside her! :shock: Ive had her now 23yrs!!!!!
Like i said if thats what floats yer boat? Thats what working for a livings about,earning a crust to spend it on things you enjoy, you should never really have to quantify or justify anything to anyone other than yourself if it's what makes you tick :D
Mmmm I think I prefer your rims without the central cover plate on? (My opinion only) reminds me of some REVOLUTIONS i used to have on a Mk3 escort, they were white with spun outer rims. :)
And all the drillings in center ad intrest? look like Gotti wheels of old?Im guessing there are two PCD's there? could you not have TIG'd them up or pluged them and then machined off?
Thnx for your work web, will take a peek soon. kev b.
Man those lips look great, Bravo!
23yrs Wow thats frikin commitment! Probably longer then most marriages last! Hmm I'm of the opinion that they look better with the center caps in, but a few of my work mates would agree with you! We will see I guess I have a cheeky red & chrome MS domed emblem to go in the middle of that cover too.
Haha I was very close to buying some REVO's till I found out how much they weighed in 9J! Damn Brock's cant be far off though! Gutted they don't do split rims anymore, would of killed for some 4 spokes at one point!!
Yes they are 4x100 & 4x108, blanking them would be the way forward I guess
if I left that cap off, but damn I just want to get them on there NOW,lolCheers Josh, polished a second dish today, came out better than the first. Me thinks I will have to go back through them again at the end….
Commitment indeed :shock: and correct, so far the commitments actually lasted 21yrs more than my 1st and only attempt at marriage! :( NEVER again, I'll leave it up to you which of the two I'm refering to?
Mmmmm split rim, 4 spoke, REVO's (in GOLD with spun lips) Fanfooookintastic :P
The 6J 5 spoke on my Escort I do remember being quite light compared to the XR3 alloys I swapped em for? but your 9J's would have an extra 3" of ally on em so yes…..portly fellows!
Well heres my fave pics of 'Lolly' in 2000, been on the road for 3yrs in these pics......Paint looks awsome, she has a surface prob now? dont know wether its primer,or fiberglass? but on the nose section and roof theres small bubbles under the top coat/laquer, if i stab em with a pin, a smear of liquid comes out????? Its a real shame and devastated when I noticed it appearing about 6 yrs ago. :x It looks like she's been parked under a tree and got covered in SAP!!! Still.....What a shape :D
Better than any wedding photos I have!! :rofl:
:respect: OMg that shape and that colour, oh that wide ass too! Proper love that :D Shame to hear about that surface problem, that's a new one on me what with it weepin an 'all!
Great photos too man, that must be such an experience to drive that on the road..
Cheers fella :)
Yes its an experience alright! certainly not a GT, Its unbelievably noisey, hot in summer, the steering wheel is biased to right , while pedals are more towards left so the sensation of forward motion at a jointy angle takes some getting used to :( as does the LACK of visibility while doing anything other than travelling foward :shock: wheelbase is only 9" longer than an old mini! which makes motorway driving….. Intense!!!!
Twin cam produces 130bhp at 5550rpm and peak torque of 140lbs ft at a low 2750rpm so a pretty good road car...... IN DRY!...... if its wet? with low down torque,wooden brakes when cold, bit like a 900kg ice hockey puck!!!!! :shock:Dispite all its faults, on a dry, swoopy, twisty, clear 'B' road with every grain of tarmac felt through 'go kart' like steering, gearbox whine, exhaust crackle and zero body roll.......... legendary 8)
Wish I had the time and money to run her again, but work is DIRE at mo so she might sleep for another year? unless things change! :( kev b.
Mother of god, that's a nice ride….
Had to stump up another £57 to get my clutch out of customs & delivered to me, so here it is now! ON the dining room table,lol
Stage 2 Racing clutch good enough for 220 lb/ft of torques, but with all the manners of a road clutch
Having a real difficult time deciding exactly which wheel colour, as metallic grey has been thrown out there as being a bit more modest and understated then Gold, although I do love the Gold as brings some colour into the mix I feel grey might be more me and
in keeping with the nature of the mx3?! (plus I don't how I would feel driving a red car with gold wheels, maybe too flash,lol)
They're awfully nice too :D…......but!........Gold, gold always believing your so cold,(cool)...youve got the power to know....... your them GOLD..... GOLD! der der der da der... :rimshot:
Your CALL dude :lol: ? the 'greys' will look good and purposeful weather mucky or clean :D the 'golds' will only look their blingy best when clean and hence probably more attractive to the theiving underworld of this country :(
Do em grey primer, run em for a while, then do em gold later?......or.... do one side grey, the other gold :shock: no one wll see both sides at same time and theyll think youv'e got ^ TWO sets of the same wheel :rofl: sorted!
Pretty sure youll be... :D and we'll be... :mrgreen: either way?
Colour chosen, and it's none of the above haha.