JIMBOfred-Cheeky little black number.

  • looking good, need to sand it again then spary some primer on and the sand it again, the primer will show up imperfections

    Also ditch the number plate and get a stick on one like they have on the E type jag and put that over the sanded part :wink:

  • @121b28a0d4=JIMBOfred:

    ps, rusty's old splitter. Nice tribute.

    :D Yey, looking good there bud, you just need a cupra splitter under that splitter to make it look even awesomer.

    Was it easy to fix up? Have you got the HT leads on too?

  • Looking good 8) Nice work!

  • @5ad4eabbbf=djmarcopolo:

    the primer will show up imperfections

    Did see the imperfections before i primed it but was against the clock. I'm guessin it'll just take some serious elbow grease.

    ditch the number plate and get a stick on one like they have on the E type jag and put that over the sanded part :wink:

    Had considered the stick on number plate but doesn't seem like it'd be very legal. Probably gunna get a square plate to go on the side like on youdirtyfox's.


    you just need a cupra splitter under that splitter to make it look even awesomer.

    Was it easy to fix up? Have you got the HT leads on too?

    Cupra splitter would be good yeh. Will have to wait for some more money to throw at it lookin at the prices on ebay. Was quite easy to fix up with some fibre glass and plenty of glue. HT leads are on but not sure if they're a benifit or hinderance.

  • Plus i think i should've used 3mm hose instead of 5mm to go round the grill. Might have another go at some point during the summer hols.

  • NO NO NO and NO! Do not get one off ebay! Go to your nearest, VW, Audi, Seat dealership parts department, hand over £22 and they'll hand you a splitter, the ones on ebay are ridiculously over priced!

  • @74bf764a23=RustyMx3:

    NO NO NO and NO! Do not get one off ebay! Go to your nearest, VW, Audi, Seat dealership parts department, hand over £22 and they'll hand you a splitter, the ones on ebay are ridiculously over priced!

    Good to know. There's a seat dealer down the road. Cheers.

  • Looks cool mate good work! 12 x 6 number plate off the tow hook ftw.
    police cameras prefer it on the drivers side facing upright :wink:
    (None of this stick on or 4x4 square plate bizness please :P)

  • finally bit the bullet and went for it. Was pretty scary taking an angle grinder to my bonnet but it worked out well. Still needs a bit neatening up but i'm sure its doing a good job in partnership with the cold air feed from the fog light hole.

    Will get some decent photos soon.

  • Here's a thing Ive wondered would it not be better with the fins the other way so it catches air and drags down when traveling at speeds?

    Noticed a few Bonnets done your way do you know why? Lol

  • Already got a big flu pipe from the fog light pumping cold air in so wanted to vent out to get a good circulation. I originally was going to put it going in but decided out would be better. As for downforce i think it would get ripped out before it could create any decent downforce.

  • pretty much done all i can do with my tight budget for now (have now started planning a wedding for sometime within a year so car funds are pretty much zilch) apart from possibly a bit of neatening up on the front bumper and bonnet and the l.e.d's in the headlights which are in the post.

  • Nice work!!! Likin this more!! the vent looks good…

    But as you said.. front bumper could do with a bit more tidying!!

    Still.. that aside (which should cost very little monies, just some elbow grease) the car look well!!

  • Just got my turbo. Can't wait to get it fitted.

  • @fb5bad083f=JIMBOfred:

    Just got my turbo. Can't wait to get it fitted.

    lol i got one of those too lol

  • @b4fc9290a7=jay:


    Just got my turbo. Can't wait to get it fitted.

    lol i got one of those too lol

    Fan of the old happy meal then?

  • @34edd7150f=JIMBOfred:



    Just got my turbo. Can't wait to get it fitted.

    lol i got one of those too lol

    Fan of the old happy meal then?

    I like them fresh, not a fan of them old, they go a little soggy.

  • lol :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • LED headlights done.

  • Jobs a good 'un looks good.


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