My project Log
He has a porshe sitting rotting in that field, (The same model as in the James bond film, its a sub in the film)
That would be a lotus then :?
Yeah, I always get them mixed up
He has a porshe sitting rotting in that field, (The same model as in the James bond film, its a sub in the film)
That would be a lotus then :?
Yeah :)
If he is splitting it, stick the wheels on yours 8)
Might ask him :)
If he is splitting it, stick the wheels on yours Cool
Might ask him Smile
If you don't want em…..
I'll take em!!! :wink:
However.. I think they may be 4*114.3 PCD
I know what u got done today! Video's up and what u think of it?
DAMMIT lol…. oh it sounds so much nicer, I'd video it BUT it's pissing it down with rain atm.
I am indeed, CATless.
Retractable mirrors have arrived :)
Drivers side one fitted.
Migrated the motor over to the current wing mirror + added heated glass.
All Ihave to do it is wire the motor and the headed glass in to the Bongo and rear demister :)
Both are fitted :) and fully working, Inc the heated wing mirrors running with the rear demister :)
I tried ages ago to do it... but the Bongo Mirror Switch acts as an Immobiliser on my motor.. :? Turn the key, car fires up, then dies... Put original Mirror switch back in.. no problems..
Don't really know how to figure that one out... :shock:
No idea,
Just looked at the bongo switch i got with it to find out what 2 wires were missing on mine & ported them over.
Ran 2 cables from there out through teh firewall to the engine bay.
Ran 2 cables down under each wing and into the door (behind the hinges) and back into the door with the main's a closed system. All i'm working on now is a system where when the engine turns off, the retract automaticly and go out on engine start.
- Glad to hear they worked out for you.
Delivery today :)
First off teh new plate arrived..
Looks rather spiffing, it's also on one of the angled brackets :)
Also, the rest of the Cruise Control parts turned up :)
Inc the rear bumper reflectors with light brackets so I can wire them up with the normal lights :)
Going to start on the AC removal weekend with some luck :)
Soon I will have the only Eunos Presso with Cruise Control.
MX3's had it in Canada but from what I can find out, it was never an option on the imports.
Go on Lori, tearing down the bounderies of normal mx-3's everywhere :lol:
Seriously though niceeeee.
I have years to get this project done and dusted, it's a long list of wants but I'm only 29 and I've only just started waiting.
Quick update.
Painted very quickly the Ebay eye brows and my Wind thingys matt black to see how they look.
The windy thigns look a lot better but I think the brows are a little to short for my tastes.
Also, Don't spray in the kitchin :)
I like the work tops, over spray is underated but i think your over half will not agree :lol:
brows are a little to short for my tastes.quote]
lol at overspray, ooops!, the eyebrows do look abit more like eye lashes :D
Make the eybrows better by glueing paint brush bristles to them, I have not even opened the box mine came in. LOL
The work tops, just lacquer them now :D