Carpet Dye
Just found this product and I feel I may be giving it a try.
When I cleaned mine I took the carpet out of the car hung it up and beat the crap out of it with my baseball bat for about an hour and kept rotating it until nothing was coming off it anymore, then I got a can of carpet cleaner on it and brushed in with a stiff brush I had (like a big nail brush) then I got my George carpet cleaner vacuum (like a Henry but green and called George) on it and it came up like new.
I actually have a spare carpet if you want it :D
I actually have a spare carpet if you want it Very Happy
I could do with a new carpet…. if no other takers.. I'll have it :wink:
**I have a few spares actually. I'll post up a For Sale thread shortly.
I'll need to vacuum the cat hairs out of it though. Our moggies have adopted it as a second home, for some reason.**
**I have a few spares actually. I'll post up a For Sale thread shortly.
I'll need to vacuum the cat hairs out of it though. Our moggies have adopted it as a second home, for some reason.**