Sam's Proper MX-3 - LT Turbo project *Parting out*
Oooh yeah, should not have to wait too long for full car pics either. Had the fronts mounted up today both rear tires/wheels should be on by the weekend,
here is a little taster…
looking good!! Love the wheels!! :respect:
That is some serious beef. !.
Really look good. Can't wait to see finished pics.
Cheers Guys! Yeah the difference between 195 on a 8" & 205 on a 9" does seem quite substantial. Inner plastic arches are getting a serious case of friction burn might have to just remove them! Car does turn corners though…slowly for now hahaha
And there's me worried about 215 on a 17inch 7J !.
I am certainly pushing the envelope on size here, but that's pretty much how you pull stance out of any car and those MX arches do take some filling.
Received my pot of recommended wheel sealant, smells lush bet it don't taste as good though! 2 coats going on all 4 wheels this afternoon, then its on to the first proper sketchy drive and some photos :D 8) Founds some great new locations will be up tomorrow & Sunday morning around 5:30AM to catch the sunrise hopefully!
Pot of pink goodness…
Look forward to the pics
Looks fantastic mate! Well done. Strange how long the car looks that low.
Nice!! Keep those wheels nice and clean, winters coming
Those look great man props!!!
Thanks guys means a lot, makes it all worth while plus the looks I get as I scrub and scrape down the road is pretty amusing. My neighbours have been telling me that the car tripods coming up the driveway with one wheel actually locking itself up! Going to have to raise the rear just 5mm I think, already dug the arch into the tire so the damage has been done, but fook it the noise of constant rubbing is getting annoying now,lol
Will do Gulfy that poorboys wheel sealent is a great deterent against brake dust sticking to the wheels though, hardly a spec on there from driving around all weekend, few specs of ground up rubber on the rears though!
One final pic before I sign off for a good few months, got some boring DIY to do, but then a trip to Russia planned in January so I am going to need some decent thermal wear! Will be back though to complete the project :D :D :D
oooooooooooo. Those rims! Me likey!
Looking great pal.
Cheer Bro, over the moon with the wheels and the fitment. Little bit of negative camber should let me get back down low as I was before :D
You need to get that hatch garnish sprayed red now bud…
Funny that, I think you are about the 5th or 6th person to say that! best get a 'shop done :D
Funny that, I think you are about the 5th or 6th person to say that! best get a 'shop done :D
Thata boy!
Get it done!
I am on it! Now where that freakin memory stick get to lol
Got a really cool share off of a fan appreciation week on FB recently from likes! :D :D :D
Have another like bud ;)
& another… :)